Coronavirus and youth sports! Aspen Institute’s Sports & Society Program dicuss it here. Click here
Are youth sports safe during the pandemic? Sports Illustrated. Click Here
Is your season on hold? Focus on staying in shape.Click Here
Baseball Coaching Sandwich

Example -"Nice throw Johnny. Next time ... That was great hustle also."
The player will never know you corrected them
Rushing from work to baseball practice? They have a Baseball Coaching App for that
The Golden Coaching Rule
Avoid the 3 L's
Lines, Laps, and Lectures
Ever been in the back of a long line at the bank?
No Laps. Train sport specific.
The kids came to play
baseball. Not hear a lecture.
Blank In-House Baseball Tryout Evaluation form. Tryout Form
We have other tools too. Scroll below.
Do you run a local league ? Ask you webmaster to put a link to us on your website. Link to us.
Baseball Coaching News
Keep current on College and HS Baseball and more. Baseball America
College Baseball info with polls, commentary . Baseball News
High School scouting reports and rankings. The Perfect Game
Tips for New Baseball Coaches
-Have a Parent Meeting.
-Make sure practice and game
fields are well maintained and safe.
-Have a plan before
your practices. And games.
-Go over all the basics. Emphasize
the fundamentals.
-Don't be afraid to try new baseball
drills or change drills.
-Have plenty of baseballs (safe/soft
balls), helmets, bats etc on hand for practices and games.
-Talk to the kids using easy to understand words.
for Volunteers. Assistant Coaches (at least 2 baseball coaching
assistants is very helpful) and team parents.
-Keep parents
informed as much as possible.
-Praise players as much
as possible.
-Be Enthusiastic ,Patient, and Fair.
-Have Fun.